South East


Ivinghoe is one of many historic villages with a strong identity and well-maintained conservation area. Located on the intersection of the B448 and B449, Ivinghoe is under particular pressure from growing traffic volumes and speeds.

Following a community event in April 2015, the Parish Council commissioned Hamilton-Baillie Associates to prepare an outline strategy for addressing traffic issues in and around the village, exploring ways to improve pedestrian and cycling routes and to enhance the quality of the village centre and the forecourt of the local primary school. The report was presented to the Parish Council on December 1st 2015.

The recommendations included a strategic re-routing of through traffic to avoid the centres of Ivinghoe and the neighbouring village of Pitstone.  It also proposed much clearer points of entry into the historic centre, together with changes to a number of important village locations.  These help the connections within the village, whilst changing driver expectations and understanding of pedestrian movement, the location of the children’s playground, and the public spaces surrounding the church.

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