The case against traffic lights

Category: Media Articles

Publication: BBC2 Newsnight

Author: Martin Cassini

“The case against traffic lights”. BBC Newsnight screened a piece by Martin Cassini, arguing that traffic lights diminish road safety, increase congestion, add to environmental pollution and damage public space.

The film includes a short interview with the late Hans Monderman, with Ben Hamilton-Baillie, Professor Peter Barker and others. Robert Gifford of PACTS also features.

Since this feature, a number of local authorities are undertaking trials to observe the outcome of removing traffic signals. Amongst these is North Somerset Council, which has undertaken a four-week trial in Portishead, near Bristol, to switch off a complex set of signals at the “Cabstand” junction. Keith Firth of Colin Buchanan and Partners has carefully monitored the outcome. Similar trials have taken place in Bristol and London.

Download summary of Portishead traffic signal removal

hans monderman Dutch traffic engineer Hamilton-Baillie Associates