South West


Saltash Town Council and Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group invited Ben Hamilton-Baillie to carry out a one-day analysis of Saltash, and to present initial findings and recommendations. Saltash enjoys a spectacular position on the western bank of the Tamar, separated from Plymouth by Brunel’s magnificent Royal Albert Railway Bridge and the 1961 Tamar Road Bridge.

Fore Street still thrives as a lively high street, but it is disconnected from the waterfront by the steep change in level. The town is due to expand significantly to the north and east as new housing is planned, and it is essential that connections to these new neighbourhoods overcome the barrier effect of the A38. The route into Saltash from Carkeel is also very difficult for pedestrians and cyclists.

The initial recommendations were presented to the Group on July 27th, and involve a change in approach to street design and place-making to reduce speeds and give greater emphasis to pedestrian routes.

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